美国驻沈阳总领事馆农业贸易处农业领事 在辽宁家具行业年会上的讲话
美国驻沈阳总领事馆农业贸易处农业领事 尊敬的祖会长、陈席镇处长、女士们先生们大家下午好! 我是美国驻沈阳总领事馆农业贸易处农业领事江力峰。你们可能会了解到我们的职责是向东北介绍推广我们的农产品,像肉类、海鲜、红酒、水果、坚果、当然还有木材。 我很荣幸获祖会长的邀请来参加辽宁家具协会年会。我是今年夏天来到辽宁沈阳的,对我来说都是新的。但我知道在东北辽宁是最大的经济省份,沈阳是最大的城市。 我留意到这里有很多新的住宅建筑,很高兴看到这里在进步,这意味着经济增长人们生活的更好,住的更好;也意味着人们需要更多高品质的家具。 八月份,我刚来沈阳几天,有幸获邀参加了中国沈阳国际家博会,展会的大规模高标准给我留下了深刻的印象。之后,我了解到这次展会是沈阳在东北最大规模的展会之一,祖会长和协会的工作人员做了大量的工作。 在过去的几年里,我的前任农业领事与辽宁家具协会有了很好的合作,我相信在未来的几年里,我会继续保持这种合作关系。我很高兴宣布,美国驻沈阳总领事馆农业贸易处将在明年的沈阳家博会中作为支持单位,我希望展会能圆满成功。 最后,请允许我为美国的木材说几句话,像橡木、枫木、白蜡木、核桃木、樱桃木和赤杨木。他们都是很美很实用的木材。我希望美国木材能够成为东北人生活中的一部分。 再次感谢祖会长的盛情邀请,祝大家晚间愉快! 谢谢! Dear Mr. Zu, Mr. John Chan, Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon! My name is Philip Jarrell (江力峰). I’m the director of the US Agricultural Trade office in It is my pleasure and an honor to receive Mr. Zu’s invitation to attend the Liaoning Furniture Association’s annual meeting. I came to One main thing I noticed is all the construction of many new buildings and homes. I am glad to see all of this growth, because it means economy is growing and people have better lives, better places to live, which also means people here need more good quality furniture for their new homes. This August, just a few days after my arrival, invited by Mr.Zu, I had the honor to attend the 16th China International Furniture Expo in I know my predecessor had had very good cooperation with Liaoning Association in the past few years and I believe I will keep it up in the years ahead. And I’m very happy to make the announcement here that US ATO in Allow me to say a few good words for US woods, such as oak, maple, ash, pecan, cherry and alder. They are beautiful as well as practical. And we hope Thank you again Mr. Zu for your invitation and I wish everybody a pleasant evening today! Thank you!